Kymco Scootmobielen
In addition to fuel scooters, Kymco has also been manufacturing scooters for several years. These are high-quality products with an excellent price/quality ratio. Kymco Healthcare only makes four wheel scooters, these are much more stable than three wheel scooters.
In the past you got a scooter for free from the municipality, nowadays that is no longer so obvious. The current budget cuts have meant that you often have to pay a rent for many years to use a scooter. It is therefore a good idea to inform yourself in advance whether it is not cheaper by purchasing your scooter yourself. In this way you can find a scooter that really suits you and is really your own property. At Kymco you can choose from various four-wheel scooter models. Almost all models are equipped with LED lighting. The seating comfort has been thought through by means of adjustable chairs, swivel chairs and armrests. Kymco supplies a scooter that fits your needs.
Important announcement:
All prices mentioned are subject to change.
The prices of the transport from the different factories have risen quite a bit!