
Electric scooters are available in a moped (25 km/h) version or a moped (45 km/h) version.

When purchasing a new scooter, there are many choices and possibilities. That's why we offer you clear advice

and help you find the scooter that's right for you.

You can visit our workshop for maintenance and repair. We can also be of service for damage or malfunctions.

Our vehicles come with factory warranty or Bovag warranty.


Move Hawk

Click here for more information.

Sunra Hawk

GWM HL 3.0

Click here for more information.

GTS HL 3.0

Move Classic

Click here for more information.

Move Classic

Move 2 fender

Click here for more information.

Move 2 Fender Harley scooter

Move V28 brommer

Click here for more information.

Move V28 trike

Move Vigorous 1500 S-Line

Click here for more information.

Move Vigorous

Move Vigorous 1500 Highline

Click here for more information.

Move Vigorous

Econelo DTR

Click here for more information.

Econelo DTR